Saturday, January 11, 2014

Got to Love Youth Days

Four Hunters, Four Limits.  Mallard Rain went outside the Dike for 28 Takedowns.  This hunt was very similar to the last time we hunted a Youth Day.  It was a Sea of Green.  Good to see this many birds so late in the season.  23 Mallards and 5 Pintails coming at you.

It Take Two to Tango

Who likes Bands? Mallard Rain likes Bands.  Check out the Double Limit Two Band hunt for Ben and I.  He's on the board with his first one.  Bling Bling.

Who Likes The Underdog

With one of the last picks and an hour later our backs were against the wall.  Who would of expected trip limits by 9 am. I have never had that much time on my hands at the Rodeway. We also had double digits the next day as well. Check out our bag of color.